

I was tasked with the Famiglia Bagnolese Society project, which involved creating a visually modern and concise website to provide information for both members and visitors.


Nicholas and Ethan Alyssa Daniele Marie and Michael

The brainstorming for the website revolved around the culture and history of the Famiglia Bagnolese. As my family has been members our whole lives, as well as being a board member with my sister and other family members, I reflected on memories and experiences I’ve had with the society.

I laid out images of Bagnoli mixed with photos of past events held by the society and began testing different colours and typography beside these images to develop the core identity of the website.

Planning Development

Once the identity was established, I began planning the site pages and content. I started by listing the pages and content from the old website. Then, I created a new structure for the site. To make the website more effective and concise, I reduced the number of pages and planned to feature essential society information such as event dates, core values, and statistics on the homepage. This approach ensures that users can easily access the most important information directly from the front page.


"To promote the Italian culture, the traditions and heritage of Bagnoli del Trigno, Molise, through education, sports, fine arts, and social activities."


"To maintain and develop strong relationships with Society members, community partners, and other organized groups and individuals outside the Italian community."


Rooted in a deep dedication to preserving the cherished traditions and rich heritage of Bagnoli, we are unwavering in our mission to promote our culture. Through steadfast dedication, we honor the legacy of our town and ensure its traditions endure for generations to come.

Planning Layout


With the pages and content sorted, I moved on to create rough sketches of the page layouts. These sketches included elements such as banners, headings, body text, images, and more. This process allowed me to visualize the structure and design of each page.

Website Creation

With the website ready to move into production, I registered the domain ‘thefbsociety.ca’. This domain aligns with all the society’s social media platforms (thefbsociety), maintaining cohesion and familiarity across all social channels.

With all the planning and prerequisite work completed, the website development commenced in WordPress. Pages were created and populated with the planned content. Focusing on the primary goal of delivering regular news, updates, and information to society members effectively, each page was designed to be easy to read and engaging, featuring bright colors, animated designs, large text, and fun imagery.

The Site

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