
"Imagination" is a straightforward yet captivating story designed to keep viewers engaged from start to finish. It prompts questions and sparks curiosity, encouraging audiences to anticipate what comes next.



The purpose of the video is to ignite the viewers' imagination. The main car chase sequence follows the theft of a box with undisclosed contents. As the video progresses without revealing what's inside, viewers begin to theorize about the box's contents, culminating in the video itself posing the same question.


The filming of Imagination features the use of a DJI Phantom 3 for aerial video, adding another layer to the quality and production of the chases and still shots.

Camaro at Night

Video Creation

This project was a collaboration with my good friends Cole McKee and Christian Yip from "Top Corner." Inspired by the unique car advertisements of the 2000s and 2010s, particularly the iconic "Chevy Runs Deep" campaign, we set out to create a video that would challenge us creatively and technically. Our goal was to achieve a truly high-quality result through two intensive days of filming. From the planning stages to the final cut, every aspect of the project required meticulous attention to detail and teamwork.

Group Members: Video

Nicholas Greco

Storyboard, Acting, Editing

Christian Yip

Storyboard, Filming, Editing

Cole McKee

Storyboard, Acting

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